CH Diamond Danes LoneStar
AmCanInt Ch Diamond Danes Full Moon Rising X BISS AmCanInt Ch Diamond Danes Stars N Stripes TD RN CGC AOM
Tex is now finished!! Hurray! Glory's first champion!
As of 4-7-06 Tex now has a total of 9 points with one major. This last weekend in Louisiana he won WD all 4 days and on Sunday went BOB over a top 20 special. He is going to be finished in no time!
Tex has been shown just a few times so far. Tex just came out for for first time since he was a baby and got a 4 point major! He is well on his way to his CH now. Watch for him in the ring in Texas.
DOB 12-02-04
bred by Karen and Bernie Martin
owned by Jim and Jennie McDuff