"New" CH Danemark Diamond Jubilation
Emmi takes another large BOB under !
Emmi went on to take seberal more big BOB wins so far this year under Joan P Anselm, Klaus Anselm & Bonnie Clark
Emmi started 2014 with a bang taking BOB with 9 specials entered and goes on to a group 3 under Chuck Trotter! Way to go Emmi and Jack!
Emmi lives with Jack and Kay Watts and Mike and Peggy Poncio in Texas
Emmi finished in grand style in Austin Texas going WB under Dana Massey. She got moved up for the afternoon specialty and then went BOS over several bitch specials under Jane Gray! What a finish for Emmi finishing at 19 months and first from her litter!
Heart clear
thyroid normal
CERF normal
CHIC number 95979
DOB 7-23-11
bred by Karen and Bernie Martin
owned by Jack and Kay Watts and Mike and Peggy Poncio
Emmi's picture pedigree