CH Magazu N Danemark Queen of Symmetry
"Ellie "
AmInt GCh Danemark's Sergent At Arms X Int Am GCh Danemark N Daynakins Fannie May
Nov 29,2019 GDC of Great Houston Debra Thornton WB BOW for a 3 pt major
July 6, 2019 Greater Colin KC Jacqueline Rayner WB BOW another 3 pt major
July 5, 2019 Greater Colin KC Glen Lajeski WB BOW another 3 pt major
Feb 9, 2019 Guadalupe Valley Dog Fanciers Joe Walton WB BOW for a 1 pt
Ellie finished her CH on 12-8-19 with Ronnie showing her
Ellie lives in Texas with Barb Bristol and Ronnie Wilson