Multiple Grand Sieger BIS IntCH AmCh Danemark's Golden Girl
AmInt Ch Danemark's Back to the Future X Danemark's Small Town USA
Blanche went to the International in November of 2019. She won 4 BIS veteran wins which made her eligible to compete for the grand Sieger BIS. 7 judges have to vote on the dog they want to win and the one with the most votes wins BIS, of the 20 or so dogs in the ring. Blanche won the Grand Sieger BIS as a veteran AGAIN!!! So proud of her!
Blanche went to the International June of 2017. She won 4 BIS veteran wins which made her eligible to compete for the grand Sieger BIS. 7 judges have to vote on the dog they want to win and the one with the most votes wins BIS, of the 20 or so dogs in the ring. Blanche won the Grand Sieger BIS as a veteran!! So proud of her!
Due to a miscount in KC a few weeks ago Blanche needed 1 more single point to finish. She got it at the Rolla Mo shows on 4-2-17 under David Haddock.
FLASH!!! Blanche takes WB BOW again in Louisville under Judith Brown for a 4 pt major to finish! That 4 majors and 3 months from start to finish!!
FLASH!!! Blanche wins WB BOW for a 5 pt major in Kansas City under Chuck Trotter for her 3rd major!! Giving her 11 points and 3 majors,
FLASH!!! Blanche takes back to back 3 pt majors in St Charles under Jean Pero and John Wade her second weekend out in the ring at 6 years old!! The second day she took BOS over 2 specials almost making it a 4 point major!